What do NPS or so-called 'legal highs' look like?

What do NPS or so-called ‘legal highs’ look like?

The term NPS, or “Novel Psychoactive Substances”, refers to a range of different psychoactive substances that have been intentionally manufactured to copy the effects of established and widely used drugs such as cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy. While they share similar chemical makeup and effects, they are often labelled as “legal highs” as they are not covered by existing drug legislation.

Most of these NPS are sold in the form of powders and capsules, often with a variety of different colours, textures and smells. The exact makeup, composition and effects of these substances will vary depending on the individual batch and producer. As an example, a popular form of the NPS called BATH SALTS, typically comes in crystalline form and is white, pink or grey in colour. A special variety of this drug known as Mephedrone, is usually yellowish-white and has a strong odour similar to propellants and fertilisers.

In addition to the powdery type of NPS, they also come in liquid form and can be stored in plastic or glass containers of varying sizes. Depending on the type, the liquid will be clear or odourless, varying in colour from yellow to brown or black. A popular liquid form of the NPS is known as “e-juice”, which is typically made up of nicotine, propylene glycol and artificial flavouring to give the drug a sweet taste. It is the most commonly used form of NPS, mainly because it can be inhaled and absorbed by the body quickly and easily.

Finally, an increasing number of NPS come in the form of ‘synthetic cannabinoids’, which are often referred to as ‘herbal incense’. This type of NPS usually has a strange plant-like smell, and is usually sold in various forms such as oils, vapours and dried leaves. When smoked, these substances can have similar effects to marijuana, inducing intense hallucinations and altered perceptions of time and reality.

In summary, the form and composition of NPS, or “legal highs”, can vary greatly depending on the producer and type. Most are sold in powder or capsule form, with some also coming in liquid form and as synthetic cannabinoids. While they possess similar psychoactive effects to already established drugs, they are not regulated by existing drug laws and should therefore be treated with extreme caution by anyone who chooses to use them.

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11 thoughts on “What do NPS or so-called ‘legal highs’ look like?”

  1. Gray Wolf

    ¿Por qué no podemos simplemente legalizar las drogas ilegales y regularlas como el alcohol?

  2. Yellow Star

    No estoy seguro de por qué tanta gente está haciendo un escándalo por estas sustancias. No son tan malos y son mucho mejores que tomar drogas ilegales.

  3. Red Ball

    Es ridículo que estas sustancias estén disponibles legalmente. ¡Deberían prohibirse por completo!

  4. Blue Hat

    Estas sustancias pueden ser peligrosas y adictivas, y se han relacionado con efectos secundarios graves, incluidas convulsiones, insuficiencia cardíaca y muerte. Es importante ser consciente de los riesgos de estas sustancias y evitar su uso.

  5. Orange Moon

    Escuché que estas cosas son realmente peligrosas. ¿Alguien tiene alguna experiencia con ellos?

  6. Purple Sun

    ¿Quién necesita drogas ilegales cuando puedes conseguir estas cosas legalmente? Son mucho más baratos y fáciles de conseguir.

  7. Green Mouse

    “NPS” o “drogas legales” son sustancias que intentan imitar los efectos de las drogas ilegales, pero que se venden legalmente porque se crean con sustancias químicas que no están incluidas en la lista de sustancias controladas. A menudo se les llama “drogas de diseño” porque están diseñadas para eludir las leyes sobre drogas.

  8. White Dog

    No creo que sea justo prohibir estas sustancias. La gente debería poder elegir lo que pone en su propio cuerpo.

  9. Brown Bear

    Creo que es importante ser consciente de los riesgos de estas sustancias antes de usarlas. No son inofensivas y pueden ser muy peligrosas.

  10. Pink Cloud

    He probado estas sustancias un par de veces y no me han gustado nada. Me hicieron sentir muy mal y me dieron dolor de cabeza.

  11. Black Cat

    Estas sustancias son una plaga. Están destruyendo vidas y familias.

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